today in a portuguese newspaper one could read as headline: "Driver with 4.04 was still drunk when presented to the judge" and it follows by saying that a driver was detained yesterday morning for having 4.04 g/l of alcohol in the blood. The driver tried to run away from the police, but was finally caught after smashing his car against another car that was parked. the news adds that he almost beat the top record of 4.2 g/l that is still owned by a woman. It finishes by saying that when taken to the court the next morning the driver was unable to speak clearly due to being still drunk and was set free, and the legal charge is no longer a crime but only an inquiry.
W-T-F?? i don't know what is more bizarre, the whole story or that in comes out it the cover page of the main PT newspapers..
Some months ago I found this product in a shop close to Chamonix:
"Liquid fart with bubble gum smell" main features: -long life time -ecological
dont believe me, here is the proof ...for those who are thinking about buying it, I'm sorry to disappoint you but apparently its a spray that you apply in the surface of your ski/snowboard to make is smoother and go faster.
recently i came across this new web functionality called twitter.
A video on tries to explain what it is all about:
-in less than 140 characters answering "what are you doing?".
So this application let people "stay in touch" with the ones they care...communicate, etc,etc
Its a kind of facebook status update, that is sent to everyone that care about you.....soo, its ok! (for those who enjoy that).
but then I've see this
"twitter is not just the place to know what your friends are doing right now.., its the place to know what everyone is doing right now". In fact the information you write is not only available to the ones that care about you, it can be easily search or found without your control.
I find this genius!
For years , we thought about this super advanced computer/entity called "Big Brother" and we feared that our privacy was being invaded against our will...
...but wait a minute, we are the ones feeding this big brother.
Last night i hurt my back during the body-combat class. In fact the pain started last weekend, during my first time of the year, snowboarding outing , due to some really nasty falls.
then i had the great idea of going running and rowing, on monday, which didnt help, and finally yesterday a body-combat class without warm-up.