Monday, March 9, 2009

on Twitter

recently i came across this new web functionality called twitter.

A video on tries to explain what it is all about:

-in less than 140 characters answering "what are you doing?".

So this application let people "stay in touch" with the ones they care...communicate, etc,etc

Its a kind of facebook status update, that is sent to everyone that care about you.....soo, its ok! (for those who enjoy that).

but then I've see this

"twitter is not just the place to know what your friends are doing right now.., its the place to know what everyone is doing right now".
In fact the information you write is not only available to the ones that care about you, it can be easily search or found without your control.

I find this genius!

For years , we thought about this super advanced computer/entity called "Big Brother" and we feared that our privacy was being invaded against our will...

...but wait a minute, we are the ones feeding this big brother.

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